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Sweet April showers do spring May flowers. And books! How did you do in April? We've peeped at your shelves and blogs and found reading summaries and stats of the past month. Have a look what book bloggers read in April in 2015.
P.S. If we didn't include you in the list of lists, let us know in the comments :) And now let's read on!
Ramblings Regarding April Reading
I did a massive amount of reading this month. A lot of that is due to the compulsive nature of the Pretty Little Liars series, perhaps, but I was just on some kind of reading rampage. I finished the aforementioned series, knocked out a couple of things that have been on my "To-be-read" list for way too long (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Coraline, and The Stepford Wives), and found a new series to get way-too-invested-in (Percy Jackson)... read more
Favorites - April by SlowReader's Kingdom
Man, have I been absent this month. Life is just so busy right now - or should I say work... Take this weekend: I had a 24 hour shift on Saturday and came home Sunday morning only to spend the whole day recovering. Try reading when you are tired. And on Monday I was back at work. The little free time I have I use for things like grocery shopping. I still got some reading done but I hardly found time for blogging. So please, excuse my absence. But let's talk about April. Let's just say I did not as well as last month. I listened to 3 audiobooks and finished reading 2 books. That's a little sad even for me. My favorites this month... read more
I am so happy to see how much books I got done during this month, and it is all thanks to audiobooks. I only read one physical book (actually the one I am now reading, and will be finishing tomorrow), and rest reads were dedicated to audio editions. They make my life so much easier, and give me the ability to enjoy stories and worlds middle of busy days... read more
Sock Poppet's 2015 Read-By-the-Month Reading Challenge ~ April
This month was a very productive reading month for me. Which i find kind of funny considering I literally have no time on my hands! So without further ado lets dive into my April reads!... read more
April wrap-up by It's a Books World
So I guess I can say April wasn't a big reading month for me, but with all the studying I've been doing it's still a lot. These are all the physical books I've read in April.
I decided to read a Roald Dahl novel and decided to read The Witches (review) and I read that one on my iPad. When I was reading Sense and Sensibility I got kinda in a reading slumb... read more
Books of March and Future Books of April
by Bay's Books
In my opinion it has been a great month. I have read a great deal of good books and once again I am satisfied with the amount of books I've read... Although two of them were plays - but Jeppe on the Hill was written in such old Danish that it reminded more of German, so that was a great challenge... read more
Reading Wrap Up -- Looking Back At April
April was a really good month in a lot of ways. Aside from completing my April books for the 2015 Reading Assignment Challenge, I also managed to read two books for this year's TBR Pile Challenge (granted, one of those books was part of both challenges). This month I started a total of six series, one of which I finished... read more
April 2015 Reading Round Up by Kitty Horror
Another slowish sort of month for reading with only 13 knocked off the TBR. I seemed to get a bit bogged down in the middle of the month. This may be due to reading fatigue, fatigue in general (am on leave at the moment and enjoying every sleep in) or loss of reading mojo. One thing I'm starting to regret is requesting so much from NG, I'm feeling the pressure of reading and getting the reviews out which means I'm not really looking forward to tackling anything I've requested... read more
April 2015 Reviews by Familiar Diversions
This wasn't a very productive month for me, as far as reading and reviewing goes. I probably did more TV watching than reading. I blame the grueling self-evaluation period at work (which is still going on, OMG) and the horrific weather. The best thing I read and reviewed this month... read more
April 2015 Wrap Up by Jessica (HDB)
I really don't want to count DNF books in my overall count, but it's tricky since I've honestly never DNF'd so many books in one month before. Lol. I'll figure it out. I might just add an extra book to my overall goal for each one I DNF. We shall see. Let's talk the good though, and that's the fact that there were so many good books this month!... read more
April Reads by Paul Read or Dead
Best month of the year so far for number of reads + Cruelty finale, a new John Connolly and Clive Barkers Scarlet Gospels... read more
April Stats by Susana "Lost in Fantasy Land"
All time favourite Book: Valiant, which was AMAZING. Honestly, all the stars to this story. Second place to Sherry Thomas' contemporary romance, The one In my Heart. Third place to... read more
I've upped my challenge from 30 to 50, now that it looks a lot more attainable. This semester made me skeptical I'd ever have time to read for fun ever again, but now that summer break is upon us, all of a sudden I have all the time to read. Time to get cracking on those self-imposed challenges!... read more
Hey, we survived an other month. 10 more books done towards my goal :) YaY!
April was so- so book wise, some were awesome , others were okay and a couple of them I really didn't care for, but we cant love every book. Also a huge thank you to all of you for entering and supporting my giveaway last month. It was fun. We will have an other one later this year... read more
Instead of listing all the books I have read in April will I list the 5 best book. Honestly, I'm just too lazy to list them all...hehe Every single one of the are reviewed, execpt Dry Bones by Craig Johnson. Well, the review is written but will not be up until 12/5-15! :) ... read more
April Round-Up by SusannaG - Confessions of a Crazy Cat Lady
The best reads of the month: Louise Penny's The Long Way Home, and two historical mysteries by Will Thomas, Some Danger Involved and To Kingdom Come. Underwhelmed: Medium Dead, by Paula Paul. This might work better for another reader, but I just couldn't get past a lady doctor accepted by all and sundry in rural England... read more
April Wrap-Up by 100 Pages A Day...Stephanie's Book Reviews
April was a pretty good reading month for me with 13 book read from a variety of genres and four books read from by TBR pile. Here's the rundown... read more
April Wrap Up by want a real life adventure? come to Australia we have spiders bigger than your hand.
So everyone is doing an April wrap up and i feel left out... so i thought i'd do one as well, even though i barely read any books, the actual number is 2... oh well. So this month wasn't a great one for me, the two books that I read where alright, but thats about it really - they both had issues that stopped me from devouring them, so i took a little longer than i normal would to read them...like 2 weeks each, oops... read more
Reading Black Iris + April Book Haul + Giveaway by Christina Reads YA
Hey, everyone! Since I already posted my March / half of April recap, I figured that I'd post a book haul covering what I received for the last half of April and discuss what I've been reading in this latter half. I've received a bunch of books, and I know that I won't be able to read them anytime soon, so I'm passing them onto anyone who's interested in this giveaway... read more
April Wrap Up by Line Bookaholic
In the month of April, I read 8 books and 1 graphic novel. I also listened to the Audible version of Eleanor and Park (By Rainbow Rowell), but I haven't completed it yet. Well, that was not bad but I hoped to read more during the month. I had difficulties with Crown of Midnight because I did not really enjoy Throne of Glass... read more
April Wrap Up by sunsetxcocktail
After a fairly slow start to the year in books, I was averaging maybe 10 to 15 a books a month. Dunno what changed this month but I had a phenomenal book month. Final count for April was 31. 31 finished books. Plus 2 DNFs. I don't even know how I managed that. I did get a great start on my bookish bingo challenge. Sixteen squares crossed off... read more
Read more book bloggers' April reading wrap-ups:
- Reading in April by Olga Godim
- 2015 Reading Plan - April Update by mattries37315
- April '15 Roundup by Bookstooge's Reviews On the Road
- April 2015 Reads Wrap Up by MELISSA'S MUSINGS
- April Roundup by Whiskey in the Jar Likes to Read
- April Wrap Up :D by booklife4life
- April Highlights by Merry Meerkat Marginalia
- April Goals by Merry Meerkat Marginalia
- April Stats! by Merry Meerkat Marginalia
- Books I Read This Month (April 2015) by Obsidian Blue
- April Reading Roundup by Carpe Librum
- Monthly Key Word Challenge ~ April {Completed} by Sock Poppet at Play
- Literary Birthday Challenge ~ April by Sock Poppet at Play